In many cases, selling services on the internet is simple if some basic principles are applied. It is important to consider that the internet is not like a brochure. You don't have a captive audience. i.e. It is very easy to move on to another web page or simply dismiss a company because of a minor negative with regards to communication.
The main difference between paper based brochures and internet pages with information (besides the obvious) is the almighty search engine.
People find web sites based on searches. If the objective is to attract more customers then taking this into consideration is important as it should affect the structure of sentences and the structure of headings on your web page.
many people search for specific things
The result of the internet having search engines is that people can find very specific things. And they usually do. Generally speaking we have found that most people actually search for specific things in their searches on search engines.
When you are creating your next heading for a page, consider what people might be searching for rather than what you believe it should be titled.
Several companies web pages jump right in and start writing about them selves and then wonder why everyone is ignoring them.
Have you ever been out somewhere and the person sitting next to you starts every sentence with the word 'I', 'My, I'm, I think, etc, etc. I have, and it can sometimes make for a boring outing if you are stuck.
I'm sure we have all done this to others. I am certainly guilty.
Think of this concept of 'me-ness' as the text in your company 'about us' statement.
Even though the 'about us' section gives your open slather to plonk in your company name a dozen times,resist the urge. And that also goes for many of the other pages on your web site. And this does not mean to replace your company name with the word 'us' or 'we' etc.
In the context of a web site where the company is selling their services, it is often important to remind the reader what it is like to not have the service. i.e. It's not always about selling the benefits, sometimes it's best to begin by selling the pain of not using the service.