
Monday, April 14, 2008

Are you selling or informing

You might have heard people say, 'your website can sell for you while you sleep'. I have said and have heard this many times but it's important to consider this statement for a moment.
It doesn't mean that all web sites are trying to sell something. And if they are, it doesn't mean that they are actually doing it well.
The key to the statement is quite blunt and simple. In all of your information and imagery about your business - Don't forget to sell.
People who visit product and service web sites want your sales pitch more than they want your bio. And when they are sold on your offering, they want to know what the next steps are. There are many sites that should be selling but forget about selling. They flood the viewer with information.
Obviously we all need information to be able to make a decision. I'm indicating here that on a web site, we should aim to get to the sales pitch sooner than later. We should ask questions that make the reader think rather than just read.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Colour and texture and illustration

A couple of pieces of art that are part of a larger range. Mara and I are currently creating giclee prints on archival paper. They look fantastic framed. We will be featuring more on the web site. Printspace is the interior wall art service and art supply side of Girling Design.

A beautiful smile and a lot of chooks

A card we recently created raised over $20,000 in charity in the form of chooks.
The card facilitated the gift of chickens for each xmas card purchased. The card helps provide ongoing food for families in need.
I’ve asked for photographs of the families receiving their chooks for the next card we do so people can see the good they had done last year.
How cool. This little one made a lot of people smile - especially this beautiful child. It was not a stock library photo.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A business philosophy can motivate

When combined with complimentary colours, great images and stimulating sounds and textures, words can communicate complex ideas faster and with deeper meaning.

When it comes to business ideas, we believe that the most compelling script should be the philosophy of your business. Whether it is written down or communicated in conversation, your business philosophy can have a major influence over your decision making.

It's the words you use, the position you take, the way you greet people, your core talents, your goals, the people around you, the things that inspire you and your staff. Its the way you get up after a fall and the way your business carries itself.

Let’s draw inspiration from you positive business perceptions so that like minded people will be attracted to your unique message.

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