
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Getting niched in the customer's mind

Creative ---->

1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.
2. Productive; creating.
3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.

n. One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the advertising department.

OK, now it says that all humans are creative. That doesn't niche us very well then.
The other words attributed to it that we like are; expressive and imaginative.

More often than not, we are these things. Even so - most people and companies are expressive. Even a potato is expressive.
That leaves imaginative. we also like the word'animals'. It sounds more exciting to be imaginative animals.

While this describes how we see ourselves, it's not much use to our customers. We need to ask ourselves 'what's going on outside the marketplace rather than what's going on inside'.
'What business are we in?'
OK, in the mind of our target market - being primarily corporate marketing people who have worked with design firms before. We are a multidisciplinary design studio.
That might be too broad. To be properly niched we need to be specific and it might be wise to narrow it down even more.

Girling Design
id, print and web design by imaginative animals

The animals part adds a great point of difference. It makes me think of an interview with Steve Jobbs about Paul Rand and how he describes Paul Rands business methods. He calls his methods as having a clarity within the business relationship which is refreshing.

But more than anything, getting niched is also about associating your own business ideals with attributes that you aspire to having.

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